Just to give a slice of life...
Two weekends ago was perfect. We were sitting in the living room after breakfast around 7:30 AM (no sleeping in when you have a little one!) trying to figure out what we wanted to do that day when Ryan said, "Let's go to the zoo." Me: "Like, now?" One thing I love about Ryan is that he's able to be spontaneous and it makes us all have more fun!
So, 15-20 minutes later we were out the door. After all, you can't forget diapers, sippy cups, books for the way or snacks when you have a little miss!
We were home in time for a great nap on Saturday afternoon, then went to some friends we've gotten re-acquainted with who live just a 20 minute walk away for dinner. Sunday we enjoyed fellowship with our church family, another lovely afternoon nap, and then time out at our favorite spot on campus where there's a big field of grass. Hadassah had a ball with the dandelions in a secluded area. She picked and tried to blow and picked and had us blow and picked and picked... So wonderful to see the delight of a child.
Last weekend was vastly different. Probably couldn't have been more different.
We did start in a relaxing way, with pizza by the river at a place near Ryan's work. It's always delightful to eat outside in the breeze...
But Ryan started having back pain on Friday afternoon. Whether it was him going for a run and not stretching properly afterwards, dancing with Hadassah and lifting her in the air without protecting his back, sitting weird at work, or just stress and not enough sleep, he was in a lot of pain as he left work. Nothing seemed to help.
Saturday and Sunday he mostly spent in bed. We had to cancel on plans to play Ultimate Frisbee with friends - first time it had been scheduled and we had been looking forward to it! He wasn't even up to going to church on Sunday morning, which really isn't like him - he usually won't miss for anything! So, the days were spent like a normal weekday, for the most part, for Hadassah and me, with the addition of trying to care for my husband as best as I could. I hated seeing him in pain, and wished I had more time to be at his side, but we both knew the easiest way for him to rest and recover would be for me to keep Hadassah occupied so he could rest. So I cooked and cleaned and took her outside as normal, missing the time we normally had together as a family. It also gave me a new appreciation for how much Ryan helps with Hadassah and relieves me on the weekend and in the evenings... I truly don't know how single parents do it.
He felt a little better each day, but still had a lot of pain when he moved certain ways, but he managed to work part-day on Monday and a full day on Tuesday, though he laid down as soon as he got home both times.
This morning he woke up (after 11 hours in bed!), got out of bed and said "It's gone!" There is still a little pain and discomfort, but he feels like whatever was causing the problem has gone back into place. Much to our relief... we really weren't sure what to do or where to go if the problem continued. We still appreciate prayer that he will fully recover and not re-injure it, but we are praising God and thankful for the prayers of friends in how well he's doing now.
So, there you have it. Two very different weekends. It's how life is sometimes!
Two weekends ago was perfect. We were sitting in the living room after breakfast around 7:30 AM (no sleeping in when you have a little one!) trying to figure out what we wanted to do that day when Ryan said, "Let's go to the zoo." Me: "Like, now?" One thing I love about Ryan is that he's able to be spontaneous and it makes us all have more fun!
So, 15-20 minutes later we were out the door. After all, you can't forget diapers, sippy cups, books for the way or snacks when you have a little miss!
Hadassah's face at the first set of monkeys made us so glad we decided to come. It was a beautiful day and see was enamored once more by her favorite furry friends.
It was beautiful weather - the jacket only lasted the first 10 minutes - and it just felt so good to be out and be a family. We're a family. Such a beautiful word.
At another monkey exhibit, Hadassah turned into an even greater attraction to a crowd of older people standing close by. She tired of the attention, and acted shy. We're kind of glad when she does, because it means whoever is holding her gets a rare few minutes of sweet snuggles. :) Whenever I would try to lift my head, she would use her hand to pull it back down to hers.
We couldn't leave the primates area without visiting the gorillas - Hadassah loves imitating them.
She loved being able to "ride" a giraffe! More attractive to her than looking at the real things. :)
This brown bear with his own ball looked like he was having a good time.
Hadassah offered her crackers to the peacock, who would have been glad to take them had the glass not prevented it!
The Shanghai zoo is beautifully landscaped and maintained. It was such a completely lovely day to be outside too! The exhibits are a bit spread out, but with such nice weather we didn't mind and all the walking felt great. Much better than hanging out at home!
The best investment? 3 kuai (50 cents) for food to feed the goats in the petting zoo. Hadassah's face and expressions were priceless!
I don't know who's more excited about another piece - the goat or Hadassah!
She tried to sample it too (I quickly stopped her) - I guess she thought the goat liked it so much it must be tasty...
Last weekend was vastly different. Probably couldn't have been more different.
We did start in a relaxing way, with pizza by the river at a place near Ryan's work. It's always delightful to eat outside in the breeze...
But Ryan started having back pain on Friday afternoon. Whether it was him going for a run and not stretching properly afterwards, dancing with Hadassah and lifting her in the air without protecting his back, sitting weird at work, or just stress and not enough sleep, he was in a lot of pain as he left work. Nothing seemed to help.
Saturday and Sunday he mostly spent in bed. We had to cancel on plans to play Ultimate Frisbee with friends - first time it had been scheduled and we had been looking forward to it! He wasn't even up to going to church on Sunday morning, which really isn't like him - he usually won't miss for anything! So, the days were spent like a normal weekday, for the most part, for Hadassah and me, with the addition of trying to care for my husband as best as I could. I hated seeing him in pain, and wished I had more time to be at his side, but we both knew the easiest way for him to rest and recover would be for me to keep Hadassah occupied so he could rest. So I cooked and cleaned and took her outside as normal, missing the time we normally had together as a family. It also gave me a new appreciation for how much Ryan helps with Hadassah and relieves me on the weekend and in the evenings... I truly don't know how single parents do it.
He felt a little better each day, but still had a lot of pain when he moved certain ways, but he managed to work part-day on Monday and a full day on Tuesday, though he laid down as soon as he got home both times.
This morning he woke up (after 11 hours in bed!), got out of bed and said "It's gone!" There is still a little pain and discomfort, but he feels like whatever was causing the problem has gone back into place. Much to our relief... we really weren't sure what to do or where to go if the problem continued. We still appreciate prayer that he will fully recover and not re-injure it, but we are praising God and thankful for the prayers of friends in how well he's doing now.
So, there you have it. Two very different weekends. It's how life is sometimes!
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