Tuesday, October 20, 2015

36 weeks pregnant and a Bridesmaid in Idaho!

As usual, I'm late... tomorrow marks week 38! But, better to post milestone pictures sometime than never. These were from the busy week 36 of pregnancy. During that week, we flew to Idaho, I was in a wedding, and we flew to Alabama! So grateful the Lord sustained us all during that week and gave us a wonderful time. Now the countdown is on to see if week 40 pictures will be taken with baby in the belly or in my arms! ;)

For some reason, it seems, my closest friends like to get married when I'm having a baby. So this was my second time being a bridesmaid in my 3rd trimester... But I loved it and was so glad my friend still wanted me to be in the wedding, and that God worked it out that we could go. Missing this wedding, when I had prayed so much for my friend and watched her story unfold from afar, would have been so hard. So while I wouldn't necessarily encourage people to take two plane rides at 36 weeks pregnant, I can say that it is possible and it was definitely worth it!

My friend also picked a wonderful wedding dress. An "infinity dress," the top could be wrapped any way you desired, and though the "one size fits all" had me a bit worried at first, I can safely attest that it even fits pregnant - very pregnant! - women! The color was beautiful and the fabric comfortable, and it was perfect for my friend's amazing fall + country wedding.

I had no problem being a bridesmaids and all the activity that comes with that, though I did sit down and put my feet up at the reception during the dancing when I wouldn't have normally done that! But with Ryan gone to put Hadassah to bed (he was amazing taking care of her most of the weekend so I could do things with friends!), and when I tried one dance only to have a friend say "you better not go into labor on us!" and then felt a strong Braxton Hicks contraction, I decided I'd better play it safe and not do anything to encourage labor!

Little Ellie continues to be active, and I love her movements though the pokes and jabs can be a bit painful at times! But it makes me smile, as I know she's getting cramped and pushing around for more space. I'd tell her to just hold on a week or two more at the 36 mark, but now I tell her she's welcome to come anytime if she needs a little more room. ;)

God has been so good to me. While many pregnant moms talk about not being able to sleep at this point, I have slept deeply and soundly - though maybe not enough all the time, with all the late nights to see friends and family! But I feel energetic, even more than I did at the start of the third trimester, and have very little issues to complain about. Braxton Hicks contractions often come at night, or if I'm doing a lot of walking, and my legs cramp/feel restless if I don't stretch them well. And I feel really big. And ready to be not so big. But who doesn't at this stage?

Just being with friends has been so encouraging. I feel like I've been given a little vacation before another baby comes and I'll be nursing and on call for that little one almost constantly! Hadassah has had good daddy-daughter time as well as time with grandparents, as I've been able to meet friends for lunch or thrift store shopping dates. All-in-all, these are really blessed final weeks of pregnancy.

Now for more pictures from the beautiful weekend in Idaho...

 Hadassah did amazing on the two flights we had from Louisville to Boise! She even slept, when I was pretty sure she wouldn't even nap due to flying that day. I guess getting up early helped. We saved money to do "infant in lap" for the last time before she turns to, but for a 2- and 3-hour flights, it wasn't too bad as we could switch off, and I had more room to fit her on my lap than I'd imagined! Though I was a bit stiff after holding her sleeping, I enjoyed that cuddle time and Ryan was great to stuff jackets to prop up my arm and back and help however he could!

Us "sisters of the heart" got to do a brunch together the day before the wedding. So happy to rejoice with our Gabrielle, the final one of us to walk down the aisle, as we had prayed so much for this time!
Lives change, and different seasons come at different times, but I am so glad we were able to all make it for this time to celebrate.

 The dads did great taking care of the littles while us girls had fun with wedding stuff! Hadassah loved having a cute 6-month-old companion around! When I told her we'd be seeing this little guy (who she loved watching videos of on Facebook) for the first time, she told me "I love baby Ethan. I'll give him a big hug and a big kiss!" And she did. :)

 The weather in Boise was absolutely gorgeous - not too cold or too hot, and the leaves were changing so beautifully amazing. So Hadassah got some fun fall playtime. :)

 The wedding day was absolutely perfect. Stunning blue sky. perfect weather, and Gabrielle was an absolutely beautiful bride in a dress so perfect for her.

Ryan, again, kept Hadassah well taken care of, getting her all ready for the wedding after her nap except for the pigtails, which he left for me to do. :) And he made sure she got plenty of exploring and running around time around the lovely outdoor venue before and between the wedding and reception.

 Miriam flew up from Alabama! So fun to have time with this dear friend since age 5. Sometimes way too much time passes between when we have time to talk or see each other, but we always pick up as though we've never been apart!

 My "twin" Jen flew in from Illinois, and it was so wonderful to meet her cute little guy in person and exchange mom stories. :) Such a blessing to have these sisters in Christ and have time to reconnect with them!

I love our little family. :)

 Had to get a picture of Hadassah with Aunt Gabby! I kept talking to Hadassah excitedly about the wedding that whenever we mentioned Gabrielle's wedding, even days afterwards, she would say "Aunt Gabby got married! Horray!" :)

 The felt creations served another great purpose other than for plane rides - getting a toddler to sit for a lot of the wedding and reception!

 The flowers and touches of fall decorations were perfect in every way. I always knew I'd be carrying Gerber daisies in Gabrielle's wedding, and they fit the occasion perfectly. :)

Hadassah was up an hour past her normal bed time, and close to melting down, asking to go... but when we heard the father-daughter dance was about to happen, we just had to stay for that special moment. Made me tear up watching Gabrielle dance with her dad, and then Ryan with Hadassah...

So with all the traveling, I wonder if Eliana is going to be super adventurous, after all I've put her through in pregnancy. But I am so grateful for God's grace and the gifts He's given us in allowing us to be built up by time with friends and sharing in special memories. He is so good!

Now, little Ellie, we're settled in Alabama. You can come anytime... :)

1 comment:

  1. Anna - the pictures of you in your red dress are simply beautiful! You look wonderful - motherhood definitely suits you. =) And the last one of Ryan dancing with Hadassah - how sweet! I'm so glad that you were able to get back to be there for your friends wedding. Hoping you enjoy the rest of your time in the states with your family!

