Monday, September 24, 2018

The Gospel: Life for Me

In Sunday school, we went through the book The Gospel Primer. At the end, our assignment was to write a poem or hymn about the Gospel. Ryan wrote a really cool hymn set to the music of Ode to Jupiter. My brain works a little differently, so I went with a poem that reflects on how the Gospel has impacted me in each season of life. It is encouraging to see God's faithfulness.

 “For God so loved the world,
He gave His one and only Son…”
I learned the Gospel with my ABC’s,
Until its truths my heart had won.

At four, I knew that God loved me,
Knew of His sacrifice so great;
It gave me peace and sweet assurance,
Even at such young an age.

In our family I see God’s faithfulness,
Passed from each generation to the one ahead.
Great-grandmother, grandma, mother…
To God their children have they led.

Through the Gospel each year I grew,
Convinced of the Bible’s Words so true;
At 12 I pledged again to serve my Lord
As faith and devotion sprang renewed.

The Gospel gave me strength to stand
Against the world’s whims and wiles.
Trusting God’s Word above all else
 Gave strength through each teen trial.

In singleness the Gospel was sweeter still,
To know my Savior’s amazing, personal grace.
To know that if my life looked different –
Well, He had assigned me my place.

His faithfulness was evident again
When He brought me to my man;
To serve together with Gospel-driven hearts:
This was our joyful plan.

As I became a mother,
I marveled at the Gospel once again.
That God would give His only Son
I imagined the greatness of that pain.

The Gospel sustained me as we moved
Into a foreign land.
The hope of heaven was more real
As I felt earth not my home firsthand.

The Gospel gave a strong place to cling
When loneliness struck time after time.
His faithful plan, foreknown ages past
Included me here; what peace is mine.

The Gospel showed me how we have such hope
When all around were those that didn’t.
To know the end, the goal, the place –
I prayed my friends would see the difference.

When our baby died while in the womb,
The Gospel promised that life has purpose.
It was rest and peace amid the tears,
And one day faith-made-sight assurance.

God’s faithfulness sustains me still
Through motherhood’s demanding days.
I have the privilege now to teach my own
The wonder of God’s truth and ways.

That Jesus died on a cross for us –
It’s my two year old’s favorite story.
So simple, and yet so profound.
May I never fail to give Him glory.