Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Little Red Shoes

Currently I am camped out in the bathroom of a Thailand resort, our afternoon residence of late as the girls nap. We didn't bring our laptop but I figured I could finish this post that has been in drafts for a while on my phone. Harder to type but we have time while they sleep and it is nice to be in a land with no need for a VPN!

Life before we left for Thailand was full. Online time was brief as Ryan needed the computer in the evening and I worked on droping Ellie's morning nap, resulting in her going down in the afternoon earlier than Dassah and often waking up just after Dassah finally went down. But while sonetimes it feels like my life is taken up with little ones, those little ones are so sweet and such a blessing.

Like this smile. This girl. Seriously sweet and adorable.

It seems like daily Ellie is less baby and more little girl. She is aware of what she wears and loves to dress up and gets the sweetest shy smile when we remark on whatever it is she is wearing.

If I lay down on the floor in exhaustion, Ellie will grab the doctor kit to come and fix me. :)

And she loves these little red shoes. Never mind that they are two sizes twp big. She loves the way they clip clop on the floor. So if Hadassah grabs her twirly dress, Ellie will rummage in the box and bring out these shoes to dance in too!

Life is full of cuteness with two little girls all dressed up to help me hang laundry!

Ellie also enjoys caring for baby dolls much earlier than Dassah did much. Doesn't get much cuter than a baby with her baby!

And on a day that Ellie is up and awake during much of sister's nap it is a good time to make a box toy perfect for her love of putting things in containers!

A fun sister activity is rice play. They both enjoy it so! But it is so messy I only let them do it on a day the floor was so filthy I had to clean it. Rice left everywhere was a good motivator!

We are continuing our letter of the week preschool play, involving Ellie where we can. This mailbox fun was the perfect thing. H loved mailing and opening the junk mail I saved for this purpose and E always enjoys stickers! I have decided I can't keep up blogging each individual letter's activities. But we continue to have fun with them!

Life is full of stickers put on cheeks by little fingers...

Of little sisters that fall asleep on outside outings in that dropping a nap transition...

Life with littles means seizing the time big sis is fishing with her net (for N week!) in the bathtub for different numbers of colored blocks while little sis investigates the leftover ones to take a few minutes to scrub the toilet.

Life is little girls, not even fifteen months yet, but fitting big sister's princess dresses and looking suddenly so grown up.

Life is two little girls in tutus and twirly skirts hugging their Daddy before he heads off to work. Our hearts are so full.

It's playing Marco Polo behind curtains...

And finding a newly scissor skilled girl who 'wanted to make myself look pretty!' while you were nursing... Thankfully no noticeable damage was done!

My arms are full. So is my heart.

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