Friday, December 2, 2016

I is for Ice Cream (of course!)

 I is for an "I" snack - again, it didn't have to be fancy. Cucumber stick put in I and i shapes made her pretty happy. :)

 I is for ice cream stickers (which Dassah decided to put OUTSIDE of the big letter this time - I didn't push it), an ice cream sundae, and inchworm, and ice cream cones. Not much starts with I, so we did a lot with ice cream themed things. But they're fun, so neither of us minded a bit!

I saw an idea for a magnet ice cream sundae creating center online, but instead of buying it (and needing to cut and laminate the download) I did a similar thing out of felt! It took a while to cut it, but it's paid off.

 I first tried it on the Bible study kids, but it didn't last long. The idea I saw online had "recipes" of different sundaes to build, so I spent some time making some up (truth be told, it was relaxing and fun!) and made examples for Dassah to follow.

She's really enjoyed it! First though we spent some time where I would make one and she would copy me exactly. I forget if I told her to, or she just decided to. I think the latter. She was very thorough and exact, so I knew she would enjoy pictures to follow. It's been a good independent play thing to pull out every now and then, as well as something she really enjoys if Ryan or I has time to sit down and do it with her.

 There were ice cream do-a-dots, to work with numbers of dots, which we called "sprinkles."

 She assigned different cones to each member of our family, so we (mostly me - she's still learning!) cut them out to put at each person's place for lunch. :)

 I is for Iceberg Jumping. I brought back our activity from A week's Arctic Icebergs, and once again, she thoroughly enjoyed it. After jumping from iceberg to iceberg for a while, she had fun pretending to fall in the water for me to rescue her. ;)

 I have a few Usborne sticker books that she can do a page in each week, and it's always something she really enjoys. She's getting better tracing the letters too, which is fun to see. She really wants to do it well, though I don't push it.
 I is for Ice Cream scoops on cones. We numbered them 1-8 and had fun piling up different flavors. :) Dassah gets confused when she points and counts things still pretty often, but when she has to put objects down while she counts, she does really well!

 I i for inch worm. This idea (found online) was harder than it seemed. Try laying on your stomach, unable to use your arms, lifting up your back and inching forward. Dassah quickly gave up, while I was determined to figure it out. I think it was a bit beyond her ability because it was even a bit hard for me!

  I is for "If You Remain in Me..." It is a joy to teach my girl the same verse-songs my mother put together and taught me when I learned the alphabet. Though she doesn't usually sing with me, by the end of the week she could sing the entirety of John 15:7-8! Things put to music really do lodge in your brain well. Thanks again, Mom!

 I is for the Inside of things! There were very few books with I in the title, so we pulled out a lot of the "look inside" books by Usborne that I got for various topics/letters. Their "Look Inside the Human Body" one is pretty cool and always fascinating for Hadassah.

 I is for the story of Isaac's birth. Each week I do one Bible story that we first read from the real Bible and then act out. It's good to have her learn to sit for short periods to read things without pictures and in more grown up language, and then help bring them to life!

 Eventually maybe we'll have enough children to act out all the characters in a story, but for now we use stuffed animals. ;) These were the three visitors that came to Abraham and Sarah, who gave them food and drink.

 Sarah listened behind the tent curtain while the visitors told Abraham they would have a son, even at their old age of almost 100 years!

 Sarah LAUGHED when she heard such a thing!

 But God's Word came true and she had a baby named Isaac!

 Dassah almost always wants to act out the stories again, which is fun. :) This time she made the food she brought the guests a little more elaborate! ;)

 I try to involve fun things to make letters with when I can, so this week we made I and i out of tape. She always likes anything with tape. And of course she wanted to trace them to! And do-a-dot pages continue to delight her and give me a few minutes to get a chore done.

 We finished the week babysitting our friends' kids on a Friday night while they went out on a date. It's been such a blessing to trade babysitting and date nights. This time we had their 3 month old baby for the first time, so our hands were full! But it was also a lot of fun. Though there was so much to keep track of, when you're dishing up food for small plates, it isn't too much harder to dish up for four. Fun to think of years ahead. :) And to make it extra special, we made ice cream sundaes for the end of I week, with a tad of ice cream, some nutella (as I didn't have chocolate syrup), nuts, and chocolate chips. A sure fire way to delight children, and Hadassah was pretty excited to have something so fun to end our preschool week!

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