Wednesday, October 21, 2015

At Home in Alabama

On October 11th, we touched down in Atlanta and drove to my parents' home in Alabama. Ryan and I gave each other a high-five. We made it! God did it, bringing us safely across countries and states to the place this baby is to be born.

 We had to leave Boise quite early in the morning, which after a late night at the wedding meant we were all tired! But it was nice that Hadassah had her own seat on the first flight (due to it not being full), and slept in my lap on the second! She's been quite the amazing traveler!

 We dubbed this dog "Travel Puppy" and she's loved having a little buddy to hold and show things on our many airline adventures. Just having a little friend to hold often made waiting in lines or passing the time on the airplane so much easier!

 We went for a long walk through the Atlanta airport instead of taking the train (felt so good to stretch our legs!), and when we finally made it to the exit we didn't expect to see my parents SO soon, so we didn't have the camera out. But once we were loaded in the car on the way home, the excitement on Hadassah's face was still bright. She was so SO happy to be with grandparents again!

 We have our own space in the guest house my dad built himself, which is so nice as we'll be living here for about 2 months. And there is a DOG outside - Hadassah is always so thrilled to see Circa Bell though she doesn't really like the licks she often gets!

AND there's a CAT! One she can touch without Mommy being worried about whether it will scratch (as she always wants to try and touch the stray cats in China). This one even sits in her lap sometimes and purrs, though it did teach her a lesson about not pulling it's ears or tail... But the joy on her face as she interacts with animals and gets to spend so much time playing outside is priceless.

 It's been so wonderful taking Hadassah on walks on the dirt road leading to my parents' place, as I remember all the walks I took myself as a single gal, and then as a girl being courted by my love. :) Now I get to enjoy it with my daughter, and it is such a blessing.

And the SKY!! Even after almost 3 weeks in the states I still get mesmerized by how BLUE the sky is here in America. God's creation is amazing.

 Days have been full of visiting friends, and on Monday I was so blessed to get a lunch date with a dear friend and mentor. I taught her girls ballet and was so welcomed into their family in many ways, and it was a wonderful surprise to find out she was expecting baby #7 at the same time I was pregnant. So we had to get a photo of us at 32 and 38 weeks. :)

And yes, we had to eat at Chickfila. Finally my 1st trimester craving for one of their amazing, classic sandwiches has been satisfied!

 Hadassah continues to fill our days with joy. She's growing and talking so so much. And such a sweetie (most of the time!). Here she was offering to share an M&M with Daddy - a special treat for her, so all the sweeter that she would give one away!

 Hadassah has absolutely loved being with Grandma and Grandpa, and they've babysat often for me to go shopping or out with Ryan or friends. And during that crucial need-to-finish-making-supper time crunch when the toddler is hungry and doesn't want to play alone, having a Grandma to suggest "let's go outside and pet the kitty" makes everything better in her little world. :)

Grandpa is full of fun too and Hadassah enjoys all the old toys I played with growing up. Pretty amazing to see things last 20 years, even outside with wagons and swing sets and trampolines. This place, with the seclusion and space, is pretty much a kid's paradise.

Ryan has stayed busy working remotely for his company in Shanghai, so it's also been fun to get to see him more often during the day, when I can convince Hadassah to come in for a bit instead of playing outside! ;)

We are so blessed that God has allowed us to make this place our home for two months!

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