Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Recent Cuteness

 Being home with Hadassah and not having all the things we used to have for her to play in (swing, johnny-jump-up, bouncy seat, bumbo) has made me creative about where to put her down. She's discovered the joy of a huge bowl I use as a laundry basket...

...and the delight of a plain old box! It doubles as a ship to scoot her around in and a great drum (note the blurry arm).

Now that she finally JUST fits in her size 2 sandals (this girl has small feet!) we take a morning walk around the apartment complex, investigating bushes, discovering delight in crunching on leaves, and smiling at the people walking to school or work. 

It's also nice having shoes that fit, since I've learned if I take her out barefoot, even if she's just being carried, concerned grannies try to tell me to put something on her feet. Seems to be a cultural thing.

She's pretty good at getting them off, though, so we had a five minute hunt retracing my steps to where she'd wiggled out of it this morning. ;)

Sandals like mommy! She's pretty proud that she can walk in them - holding mommy's hands, of course. Though she does try to just take off every now and then - the confidence is there, just not the balance. ;)


  1. You know, I think she smiles all the time because it is the only facial expression her parents ever use. :-)
