Thursday, October 16, 2014

More like home...

Last night we had our landlady, her son who was home visiting from college, and her friend that helped us a lot when we moved in over for dinner. They enjoyed the chicken tacos it seemed, but we got exclamations of how good the banana pudding was, so I'll have to remember that for future company. ;)

It was fun to get to talk more, now that we're not in the throes of coming off of scarlet fever and the craziness of moving overseas with a baby. We really enjoyed meeting them when we moved in, but we were also not quite "there." Now, I feel more relaxed, more able function. Still tired (but who isn't with an almost one year old?) but more energized.

While walking Hadassah to the fruit stand the other day, past the familiar shops, seeing the familiar faces of the shopkeepers, I realized this is truly feeling more like home. So when our sweet landlady asked if it was, I was able to say yes truthfully. Maybe it's because the different sites aren't that different to me now. Maybe it's because we recently had family in our home here. Maybe it's because I'm starting to understand a little more Chinese, and know enough to say a few things when out. Maybe it's because we've been here almost 5 months (really??). Regardless, I definitely count it as God's grace to rarely have days now where I just want to go back to the US. They still come - just not as often. Though when I think of so much of my family and friends going camping this weekend, it's hard not to want to be there. ;) But, this is our home. We don't know for how long, but it is for now. And we are blessed.

It is hard still. In many respects, it always will be, because this world isn't our ultimate home. Highs and lows seem built into life in this world, so I keep looking forward to the place where all of us who belong to Christ will be together, worshiping around the throne with every tribe and tongue and language and people... And we're praying that one day we'll see our Chinese friends there too.

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