Monday, November 23, 2015

A passport for Ellie

Two weeks old and ready to travel!

It's not everyone that can say they had their passport in hand when they were two weeks old. ;) But with the expedited service available, and our definite need for it, we received Eliana's passport in the mail on Thursday!

It required a trip to Atlanta, at one week post-delivery. Pretty crazy, and never something on my list of things to do one week after giving birth! Especially when that night Ellie decided to be up every 2 hours AND Hadassah woke up twice (cold most likely, as the weather was changing) which she hardly ever does. Plus we had to leave by 6 AM. So we were definitely lacking sleep, but the 3 hour drive was relaxing for me as Ryan drove and Ellie slept. I even got some sleep, and just enjoyed time to talk with my husband, read the Bible to him, and just hold his hand. Things to cherish.

Ellie looked so cute all snuggled up in her blanket with the edging crocheted by her "Aunt" (my good friend) Miriam!

Though you had to make an appointment in order to go to this special rush-passport office, we still had to wait for two hours to actually get to our turn to apply. Both parents had to be there with the child, to make sure you were actually her legal parents and not abductors! So we sat and sat, enjoying time to snuggle Ellie. With all the waiting, we were very grateful we were getting our newborn's passport and not there with an active toddler, as some other parents were! It was such a blessing to be able to leave Hadassah with her grandparents and enjoy time with just Ellie and us both there to enjoy her together.

The blue sky here in America still never ceases to amaze us. So beautiful with the city skyline. But, after living in Shanghai, I'm not sure any big city in America will ever amaze me quite as much. Atlanta just seemed so small, with not nearly as many high-rise buildings or half as many people walking the sidewalks of downtown...

Since we had to eat out, it was a good excuse to eat at the best fast food place in America! I think almost every expat I know misses Chickfila when overseas...

We'll be sending an application off for Eliana's visa tomorrow, and when we get that, the paperwork will be complete. Good thing too, as we head back to China in just two weeks. But until then, we'll keep enjoying all the family that has come to visit for Thanksgiving! :)

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